Sunday, June 17, 2007

Welcome to the Stucki Family BLOG

Each item in your Inbox is more than an email. It's an entire conversation, containing the original note and all the replies to it. Everyone can participate by writing emails, including pictures, and sending updates to the entire family. When a new message is sent, the whole family is updated.

Try it out an let's start sharing messages, photos, music clips, and original pieces with the entire family. We can make this what ever we want--the only limit is our imagination.



mstucki said...

We spoke about making arrangements for an upcoming family reunion toward the end of July. I checked into Aspen Grove Family Camp. It sounds great and has numerous options. More information available at the link: Times still available this year and next. Availability Also, see costs.

Others of you were checking other options...

Mathew said...

Dear Family and Friends,
We had the great honor today of taking Steven to the MTC in Provo, Utah as he now embarks on a full-time mission to Argentina Buenos Aires North. His expected date of departure is 08 October and until then his mailing address follows below:

MTC Mailbox #291
ARG-BAN 1008
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

We will keep his address updated on this blog as weel as the following location:

We love you and appreciate our association with you.

Anonymous said...

Boy, this didn't take off did it.
Maybe it still could. I like it alot better than than facebook.

I guess I'll just wait and see if anyone finds this. The date today is Dec. 31 2009.

Love you all, MOM

Anonymous said...

I love the foundation for a better life ads. My favorite that I would like to hear every day is the one called "I hope you dance". This one really touches me, perhaps because I have lived some of these kinds of experiences in my life and wish I had experience more of them. I would recommend this outlook to all of you. Love you, Mom (granny)

Anonymous said...

I forgot to tell you to just go to foundation for a better life and you can listen to the song and see the pictures. Enjoy!!!! Mom

Mathew said...

Wow! Try this url for starters:

Thanks Mom for sharing these great videos.

Mathew said...

Here's some from their website and a lot more...Enjoy!

Robyn said...

This is a great idea. I'm glad you're resurrecting it, Mom! I will check out the ad you mention. I like to go to the LDS website periodically and watch their videos. They are always so great and inspirational.

Mathew said...

Your recommendations wanted!! We have been posting favorite articles for some time on our Family Address page. Now we are expanding that to include favorite books, movies, and other multi-media resources so we can go there to get reliable recommendations of good material. Send your suggestions to Mathew, and I will post them for all. Enjoy!!

N+C said...

Hi!! I just saw this or the first time! I have a blog you can all know about too...
Anyway maybe I'll be back again soon:)

Terri said...

So this is the first time I've been on the family blog. I'll make it a habit to look more often. All is well in Moab. We had a snow day on Wednesday and typical of Moab it is all melting with the sun shining and blue skies.
It looks like Payson is getting a temple. How blessed you Paysonites are.
Love, Terri

Mathew said...

We need to begin dialogging about the upcoming family reunion. A date has not been set and an official sponsor has not been selected, but a strategy has been proposed.

A large family reunion every year is difficult on multiple fronts:
a) it's expensive
b) takes substantial vacation time
c) requires significant effort
d) may be too much, too often

So the motion has been made that we do smaller, less costly family reunions every other year or even every third year. This may be an activity (eg Seven Peaks, hike or campout in the mountains, day at the beach, picnic, service project) or any number of other possibilities. That will give us more time to plan, organize, and implement larger activities on occasion. It will also keep families interested and engaged over the years. Last year we went to Heber Valley Camp. Perhaps next year, we could attend the Aspen Grove Family Camp, for example. It sounds great and has numerous options, but of course costs and time commitments are more.

So the motions:
1) large family reunion every other year or even every third year; the off year(s) will be a smaller single day/night activity
2) children become involved in organizing family reunion activities--committee could be organized for this purpose, as well.
3) when you sponsor the family reunion on the particular year that you head the activities, you can organize them in the area you live (eg St. George, Logan, Salt Lake etc). We appreciate those of you that travel each year to be with the family at the reunions. When it is your turn to organize and carry out the family reunion, you can plan the activities in your neighborhood and the rest of us will travel.

This is a decision we should all make. So share your point-of-view and volunteer your participation.

Who will be responsible for this year's family reunion?

Be well,

Unknown said...

Stucki family reunions are some of the fondest memories of my entire life - I would be sad to see these happen less frequently, especially for the younger cousins.

I think we should have them every year. There could be a couple different activities going on during different days. If a family can't take a bunch of vacation time they could at least try to make it for 1 day for the "main event." If they couldn't make it at all, that would be understandable too.

Nachelle said...

Ditto on the fondest memories. But I understand how difficult yearly reunions can be. My vote is either every 2 or 3 years. If this plan had already been implemented, I would have made sure to attend the large reunion. I can not travel for a reunion every year.

[Unless you want to put me in charge of this year's reunion, and you all come up here to Portland with me!! jk]

Unknown said...

The idea is that we would have a family reunion every year, but they would be different (in duration and cost). We could call it a SUPER Family Reunion and we would have this type less frequently.

A Super reunion would be several days and probably be a different location (not the Wasatch Front). E.g we could go river rafting in Moab, or boating at Lake Powell, go to Aspen Grove, or go to Disneyland (who knows?!). This would be more costly and not feasible to do every year.

For the other years, we still have a family reunion, but it is on a smaller scale (probably in the Wasatch Front where most of us live). This would be more like the times we've gone to Seven Peaks. This also allows Granny to be involved, because the other type may not work for her (depending on what we do).

We also have the summer family get-togethers at a park which we plan on continuing. This has been a fun way to see more of each other and spend time together on a regular basis.

That's my vote. --Robyn :)

Mathew said...

How about a new water park to change things up a bit this year? It's a brand new facility and slightly cheaper than 7 Peaks. Date? Thoughts...?